Eat your favourite foods and still lose weight – Is it possible?


The simple answer is YES!

There are a lot of people out there that would like to lose weight and if you are reading this then you are probably one of them.

The thought of just sticking to fruit, vegetables and salad probably fills you with dread, but with “The Every Other Day Diet” there is no need for this. The Every Other Day Diet or EODD as it is otherwise known is developed by Jon Benson and has been designed so you can eat what you want every other day. You have one day of eating normal and one day of eating light. With the EODD you will see why it is called “The easiest diet on Earth”. It is designed to help people lose weight in a healthy way without making them give up all the food they love.


The creator of the program states that this is the only way to lose weight in a healthy way and keep it off in the future. How many diets have you tried with no success or you lost the weight only to regain it in no time? Well, with the EODD it will be different as it is not a fad diet, it is more of a lifestyle change! There is no need to calorie count or deprive yourself of food.

The “Every Other Day Diet” is broken down into what they call “burn days” and “feed days”. You are allowed to eat what food you want on the feed days as long as the portions are controlled, as I mentioned earlier there is no calorie counting, the EODD uses the “Hands on Method of Eating”measuring system. Basically, portions of food coincide with sections of your hands (your stomach is approximately the size of your cupped hand) says the EODD.

So, don't beat yourself up about being overweight, give this system a try. It is highly recommended for both men and women.

Imagine wearing those nice clothes you dream of, a lovely fitted dress or a great pair of jeans and no longer hiding under baggy clothes, well with the Every Other Day Diet this dream can become a reality!